Title (year)
Title (year)
Title (year)
Title (year)
Title (year)
Ultra City Smiths Premieres July 22 on AMC+ (2021)
AMC+ Reveals Character First-Looks for ‘Ultra City Smiths’ (2021)
Melbourne International Animation Festival (2021)
Fantasia Film Festival (2020)
Collider: Adult Swim’s Most Messed-Up Show Returns in ‘The Shivering Truth’ Season 2 Trailer (2020)
CBR: Adult Swim’s The Shivering Truth Is the Most Horrifying Show on TV (2020)
Promax BDA: Oxygen Spoofs Holiday Specials with Stop-Motion ‘Santa Stories’ (2018)
Mosomos: Too Much Milk (2018)
Stash: Making It (2018)
Making It Promo (2018)
NYFA Interview (2017)
MUBI (2017)
Grave of St. Oran: Production Diary (2016)
IndyWire (2016)
Bartleby: Official Website (2016)
Roger Ebert – Short Film Focus: Bartleby (2015)
Hollywood Reporter (2015)
New York Times (2015)
Filmmaker Magazine (2015)
Variety (2014)
Stop Motion Works (2014)
The Source Weekly (2014)
Portland Film Festival (2014)
Mission Theater PDX (2014)
Outlier (2014)
It’s Just Movies (2014)
Tonight at the Movies (2014)
Space Unicorn (2014)
Meetup (2014)
Festival Miden (2013)
I Believe in Unicorns (2012)
Studio Nos (2012)
Saiman Chow (2012)
UNCG Now (2008)
APA Pop (2008)
Austin Chronicle (2007)
SXSW (2007)
Golden Star Shorts Fest (2007)
Paste Magazine (2006) DVD insert
SXSW (2005)
Waterfront Film Festival (2005)
Matador Records (2004)
Jamestown Times (2004)